About the First Edition

HarbingersEndBook1The first edition of the Harbinger's End cycle of books was simply titled Halcyon Chronicles: Harbinger's End (Book 1). I had several problems with it. First, it was published with numerous typos and syntax errors. Second, in order to fit the story into a single volume, I had to remove entire episodes of the narrative. When I left my publisher in 2013, I restored the missing content and split Harbinger's End (Book 1) into two smaller books: Herald and The Time of Meeting. Most of the restored material, including Duncan's return to Ravelin, can be found in Herald, which I'm releasing online for free. The material from The Time of Meeting corresponds very closely with the second half of Harbinger's End (Book 1). The final book, Endgame, would have been released as Harbinger's End (Book 2) with my old publisher.
Even though copies of Harbinger's End (Book 1) can still be found floating around the internet (especially on Amazon), it is officially out of print.
Thank you to everyone — friends, family, and fans — who continue to support this project. I'm grateful for your patience and feedback. It's been a long path to publication and I hope you enjoy the results!
-- EM, spring 2014